An iPhone Blog: Peeling in Genpatsu Belt

Japan’s Nuclear Power Plant Belt: As her aging husband is handicapped, an old woman is peeling peas to help their living, at her house in extremely depopulating Oku-Izumo in Shimane, one of the nuke-plant prefectures in Japan. All of nuke power plant regions and nearby have faced the drastic depopulation, the shrinking job market and the aging society. That was one of the biggest reasons nuke reactors were created in such areas, though after the 2011 Fukushima nuke power plant disaster, all reactors have been suspend for the operation. Yet, the Japanese government and many residents of such nuke power plant belt want to resume the operation. #japan’s_nuclear_power_plant_belt #old_people #oku_izumo #depopulation #aging_society #shimane #japan #rural_area #countryside
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